Message from the president

The year 2016 was marked by the 60th anniversary of the ALJT. Since its creation, our association has been able to upgrade its housing and services offer, as well as its process, by developing a great number of partnerships. Indeed, the development of a flexible and resilient association being able to move on was only made possible thanks to dynamic operators partnerships and one of the key strengths of our project: the ALJT staff, involved and committed throughout its developments.

Once more, the activity of the ALJT has been filled, throughout the year, with three openings of residences in Saint-Ouen (93), Vaucresson (92) and Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois (91). The ALJT also carried out other projects, such as the redesign of the Website to better meet the needs and expectations of the young people, the development of the Pass’ Logement® programme, the publication of a work and training baseline to assist the residents in their professional integration path, and the organisation, in October, of the Manifesto “Let’s facilitate the youth experience” on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the ALJT.

2017 will be as exciting with the opening of at least 8 new residences, which represent 1000 additional housing units for the youth in Île-de-France, and the renewal of our associative project with the contribution of all ALJT stakeholders.




ALJT logo and location map of the residences
2016 Activity Report
The ALJT launched the Pass’ Logement® to facilitate the residential experience of the young persons
Develop housing for all young people and meet the challenges of the Greater Paris project