Nogent-sur-Marne | Hoche
RJAM 95 accomodations
73 Individual small studio flats
17 Individual studio flats
5 Studios for disabled


31 rue Hoche 94130 Nogent-sur-Marne Locate the residence on the map


485,29 € or 510,87  for an individual small studio flat
636,07 € or 659,32 € for an individual studio flat

Maximum resources :

PLAI : Income tax reference Y-2 below € 14,329
PLUS : Income tax reference Y-2 below € 26,044
Other benefits

10 minutes away from the RER E – Nogent-sur-Marne/Le-Perreux

Facilities and services

Access and transport

RER E - Nogent-Le-Perreux et RER A -Nogent-sur-Marne
Bus (jour)
Bus Lignes 116, 317, 210
Bus (nuit)
Noctambus Ligne 35

News of the residence
